January 28, 2014

Oh death, where is your sting?

My aunt has gone home with the Lord one week ago, and I want to share how Im blessed by this great woman =)

From my diary entry

Joni Eareckon Tada 2009I have to remember that the core of God's plan is to rescue me from sin, even up till my dying breath. My pain and discomfort are not his ultimate focus. He cares about these things, but they are merely the symptoms of the real problem.         God cares most, not about teaching me to hate my transgressions and to keep growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. God lets me continue to feel sin's sting through suffering while I am heading for heaven, constantly  reminding  me of what I am being delivered from, exposing sin for the poison it is.

Like Joni, my aunt’s sickness taught me many things.

  1.  The joy to be able to look heavenwards in sickness
  2. Reminder of what Jesus’ death will ultimately deliver us from- pain, suffering and death --the poisons of sin. Surely great is the joy of being released from the sting of sin when we see Jesus face to face!
  3. How even in suffering, we could care for others. How even in the midst of suffering she could
    radiate joy to my heart and the hearts of others.
Dear Lord, may I exhibit a faith like my aunt's. In pain, suffering and death, may I be a light unto the

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day, For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. 
 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

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