November 9, 2010

hmmm heard 2 sad stories from my mum...
both are about employers who sacked their maids.

The first fren sacked her maid cuz she found a phone in her bag.
Her reason was she didn't give the maid money to buy a phone,
she must have gotten it through dirty means....

The second fren gave her maid 1 day off to during her birthday,
but after the maid came back, she asked if she could have one off day a week.

My mum's fren wasnt happy, but didnt tell the maid. She just bought a plane ticket
and woke her maid up one morning and drove her to the airport. I could imagine how horrified the maid would have felt that day...

Her employees didn even tell her that they are going to send her back!
Wad would she tell her family?
She must be so crushed, she came so far to singpore in order to let her family back home live a more comfortable life....and now?

I think one day off is not too much to ask for...
if our employer give us a 5 day week, shouldn we show mercy to our domestic helpers and give them at least half a day off a week??

They are such a great help to us, shudn we be grateful for their help?

Maids are as human as us...
How can some of us forget that and think that they are nannny-bots, that they can work round the clock for days on end~

(me and my nanny bot, even my nanny bot died when her battery runs out)


i knw of many employers that treat their maids really well.

I believe if you treat someone with dignity and love,
it will reciprocated...

i cant forget how Ben used to talk about her maid and her cooking...
and how pawpaw's maid cried at the airport when she left for china to study..

During those times when they go on and on about their "aunty",
we cease to see them as a maid, but we saw them as an intergral part of their family....

The Philippines is so big, i wonder if my mum's fren's maid had enough money to take a bus back to her village....

So for those who have maids at home,
be a graceful employer!
Give her a shoulder massage or a chocolate bar,
im sure you would make her day !

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